Is DIM The Answer?

There’s no doubt that chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery have been the approaches that doctors have been taking for some time now when it comes to dealing with the dreaded disease of cancer. To say the least, the reason why cancer has stayed on that top ten list of incurable diseases is because these methods have had limited success.

All that has changed, however, with the discovery of the compound known as Diindolylmethane.  Diindolylmethane is being tested as a treatment for a variety of viral and bacterial diseases.

But what makes this compound so versatile that it can be used in such a way?

Scientists have discovered that its immune-modulating and direct anti-cancer properties make it a one-of-a-kind compound in the field of molecular biology. Think about it: if your immune system is made strong enough by DIM, would it matter which disease tried to control the body?

The truth is that it wouldn’t, and with this compound’s ability to increase Interferon-Gamma production in the body, this increases the ability of the immune system to destroy all viruses and bacteria that enter the body.

But when it comes to its anti-cancer properties, its combination with Taxol (used to treat cancer) has yielded positive results in promoting apoptosis. Since this compound has shown that it has been able to reduce cancer resistance, an interest has been generated by the National Cancer Institute as well as scientists to investigate how this compound works for the betterment of cancer patients around the world.

If that’s not enough, its success as a cancer prevention diet has also led scientists to consider the fact that this compound might pave the way to a healthier and happier future for not only cancer and AIDS patients, but also for patients of other incurable diseases.

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