How to Build a Winning Makeup Artistry Portfolio

Guest post is submitted by Cosmix Inc., one of the only schools of makeup artistry in the entire country.  Browse their website for more information.

Makeup schools always emphasize the importance of a stunning portfolio to their students, and for good reason.  A portfolio both online and in print is one of the most important marketing tools for makeup artists.  In order to book jobs and opportunities in the industry, it’s absolutely essential to have a professional portfolio.

Today with the popularity of online marketing, it’s crucial to have an online portfolio.  It’s also easier and more economical to update than a print portfolio.  Many employers don’t have time to meet with a multitude of makeup artists so they prefer to browse websites and online portfolios instead.  Most makeup artists have multiple galleries in their online portfolio.  For example, film, television, bridal, print, and special effects images should be separated into the proper categories.

You can start putting together a portfolio as soon as you start doing projects at a make up artist school.  Your portfolio should have a visual flow to it and display the quality of work that you can deliver.  The key is to show a range of photos.  It’s necessary to have a print portfolio to bring along on interviews with agencies, potential clients, and other employers.

Most professional portfolios are bound in 11×14 or 9×12 display binders.  These typically costs anywhere from $50 to $100.  You should use a format that allows you to easily add and replace photos without having to replace the entire portfolio.  Make sure to have your full name on the first page of your portfolio.

Before choosing photos to add to your portfolio, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does it look professional?
  • Does it look like it could be torn out of a fashion magazine?
  • Is it representative of your artistry as a whole?
  • Do you feel good about the makeup, lighting, and other important factors in the photo?

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